This is us!

IMG_0310Together we run a 3500 acre property in Central Victoria, Australia, growing fine Merino wool, cross bred lambs and mixed cropping.  After raising 3 wonderful young adults we’ve decided to go bike touring. Starting off with rides around Australia for the next few years, it is the ultimate dream to cycle  around northern Europe for three months over summer. Unfortunately the realities of farming life is making this dream a bit of a challenge for the time being… But never say never!

We are also Warmshowers, hosts and if you happen to be touring in the area please feel free to make contact.

This Blog is dedicated to the adventures that await us, but, with a bit of a twist… Except for the usual tour round-ups, I won’t be boring you too much with daily stats on how many kms we’ve done and where we rode to and from. You can follow us on Facebook for those things. I want to write about ‘behind the scenes’. More of what’s it like to spend day after day on a bike. I want to share little anecdotes that would otherwise be forgotten and put those hours and hours of thoughts whilst pedaling through amazing countrysides down on paper. I hope you enjoy reading our stories.

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” – Gil Bailie


7 thoughts on “This is us!

  1. So look forward to you coming to hilly old UK for a while in a couple of years from now. Give me an excuse to use my bike rack to pick you up at Heathrow.

  2. This is sooo good Inge and Andrew!!! You can be proud of all these achievements. You are a wonderful couple. I will certainly follow your adventures. Hopefully with many photographs to see. The first two are really beautiful! Enjoy.

    All my Love, Dad.

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